Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"My Cup Runneth Over..."

Hi, all -

This title is another lyric from the song "Nine Percent Chance." In that song, Rob comes to the realization of several things - primarily that he might still have a chance with Laura. I have to say that the last week has brought realization to me about several things, one of which is that this has been probably the most amazing theatrical experience I've ever had, and that I will miss it terribly when it's over...

Last weekend was once again surreal on so many levels. Thursday night we had another packed house, many of whom were good friends and colleagues. Many stayed afterwards to offer their congrats and kind words, which was so nice. I grabbed a couple of drinks with good friends Mara and Jeffrey in our neighborhood after we left the theater, and we laughed a lot as we caught up about everything.

Friday night was indescribable... This was probably our best performance thus far. It was particularly cool for me, because I knew that 10+ of my daytime co-workers were there, as well as some other good friends. There was just a ton of energy in the theater that was actually palpable. The laughs and cheers were more intense than they had ever been. So, when the show ended on a very high note, I headed down to the dressing room to change, as usual. Our director, Scott Miller, was waiting down there to tell me that the NYC-based lyricist, Amanda Green, was in the audience and loved the show! WTF?!!! Unbelievable... So I tried to absorb that thought as I changed clothes, slapped on some deodorant, threw in some gum, etc. I headed upstairs and spent a few minutes with my co-workers and some other friends in the audience. And then I met Ms. Green. What an amazing woman... This is someone who has achieved so many successes in the art form that I pursue. And she was so down-to-earth, so gracious, and so pretty! She gave such unbelievable compliments to the cast and production that I still don't quite know what to do with... Needless to say, it was a true pleasure to meet her. She even went out with the cast afterwards for food and drinks. Now, the other cool thing about Friday night was that my brothers had driven up from Arkansas to spend the weekend and see Saturday's show. They were at my house, so I was anxiously waiting to get home to see them and head out for a night on the town. So this meant that I couldn't go out with the cast and Amanda, which was certainly fine. I asked her if she would be in for the weekend, and she said that she wouldn't because she was back to NYC to dine with the original "Laura" from HI FI on Saturday, and LYLE LOVETT!!! on Sunday!!! Again, WTF?!!! Unreal that this amazing woman took time out from a schedule like that to fly to St. Louis to see our little show...

So I did catch up with the little bros, Mark and Steve, and we spent a few hours at Lumiere Place Casino downtown. Saturday morning we chilled around my pad and then hit Hurricane Harbor, the water park at Six Flags. We got back home in time for me to grab a quick nap, and then they dropped me off at the theatre while they grabbed quick eats/drinks before the show. I can't quite say what it was like to know that they were in the audience... There is some sort of cosmic connection to this show or something... The last time it played (on Broadway), we were all in the audience on a Saturday. The next time it played, they were watching me play the lead in St. Louis on a Saturday. Interesting to say the least... They joined me at Mary's cast party afterwards which was a ton of fun (thanks, Mary!). Sunday we slept in, had some lunch, and then they were on their way. The weekend, like the whole run of the show, just flew by...

So now we're down to our final weekend - just three more shows... I can't believe it's coming to an end, but I'm also so excited to do this three more times... It's getting late tonight - almost midnight. So that means that I need to go to bed, but also that I get to do HIGH FIDELITY later this date, so to speak. If anyone is still trying to come, please know that Thursday and Saturday are essentially sold out. There is availability on July 4 (understandably), and there's even a 2 for 1 deal for that night with the official postcard. I've got some of the postcards, so contact me about that if needed.

As always, peace to all who read this. Happy 4th of July, too!!!! Take many moments this weekend, not only to enjoy family and friends, but also to remember how lucky we are to live in this great country. Eat some good BBQ, too! Unless you're a vegetarian, of course...

Rock on,

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