Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Opening Soon: Championship Vinyl

Hi, all -

Major transitions have happened since my last post. We moved into the theatre space on Sunday. The A.E. Hotchner Studio Theatre is a great space, and I think it will work brilliantly for this show. When we first arrived, we got to work putting up the risers, which was quite an ordeal, but they looked great when we were done. Next we helped to bring in the set. Our set designers have outdone themselves on these pieces - they are so artistic and cool...

Monday night was our first run-through in the space. Understandably, it was a tad rough. It's always a big challenge to try to recreate what you've done in a completely different setup. But we at least got used to the set changes and the physical layout of the theater.

Last night: run-through #2. SO much better, or at least it felt that way. I left feeling very energized and excited. One more run-through tomorrow night before all hell breaks loose. That is what we affectionately call "Hell Week." Saturday, we start a cue-to-cue rehearsal (primarily to set light and sound cues) at 1:00pm. Sunday we rehearse all of the songs with the full band for the first time. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday: full run-throughs with lights, sounds, costumes. The Real Deal. Then we have a preview on Thursday and officially open on Friday. So much will happen in such a very short amount of time. It's intimidating but exciting...

My posts might be short and sweet for a while. We're all getting ready to go into hyperspace until we open...

Signing off for now. We're re-shooting some video publicity at the Record Exchange in a few minutes. More to come once that's complete...

Rock on,

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